AAS 25


Automatic Antenna switch

The AAS makes it possible to connect up to three radios using a single antenna and a commun coax-line.
The received signal is amplified and divided on the three outputs.
An automatic HF-VOX switches the current transmitting radio to the antenna. The two other radios are protected from damage by the transmitting power of the sending radio!

Art-No.: 7020

€ 279,-


frequency range
30 - 500 MHz
certified transmitting power
25 Watt
insertion loss in transmit mode
< 0,5 dB
gain in receive mode
about 4 dB
connection types

1x antenna connection

3x radio connections

current supply
12 Volt, max. 100 mA
HF connection type
N - standard sockets
mechanical traits
weather-resistant plastic housing been suitable for mast assembly or interior assembly

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